Dragon Rolling The Pearl Basics Course

Sundays 9:00 AM @ Soma Yoga Center (256 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113)

All classes will include:

Quiet Sitting, Power Standing, Kai Men Dao Yin Warm Ups, Jiulong Baguazhang

The following is a sample schedule of a Jiulong Baguazhang Class.

1. Ring Gong, Bowl or Tingshaw (Required)
2. Bow in (Required)
3. Sitting (Required)
4. Daoyin (Required)
5. Standing (Required)
6. Review (optional)
7. Lesson of the day (Required)
8. Practice time (optional)
9. Any discussions of philosophical readings (optional)
10. Class Announcements (Required)
11. Recite Four Virtues (Required)
12. Bow Out (Required)

First Class is always FREE!!
Drop In Rate: $20.00 Per Class
Monthly Fees: $80.00 for one class per week

Consistency is the Key to Preservation of The Arts

All Shizi (teachers) and Shifu are bound by honor and Wude (martial virtue) to teach students in their charge EXACTLY as the rules of teaching are prescribed for them without addition, variations or exclusions. They are to do this using the formula laid
out above. When you join one of our schools you can expect the highest level of training from certified teachers with many years of experience.

If you are a prospective member or student of any of our schools and have any concerns please feel free to contact us at bos.jbgz@gmail.com or Thegompa@aol.com we will be happy to help you.